Sewer maintenance
As well as the inspection, cleaning and renovation of sewers, our specialist sewage department also handles the cleaning of roadways on our clients’ land. Cities and local authorities in particular, but also industrial concerns, call on us for their sewage handling. We help them make substantial cost savings by preventive work to remedy and prevent blockages, defective pipes, water and sand infiltration, root growth or surface subsidence.
The cleaning of sewers has been a main activity for Group Peeters for decades. Since 2006 we added visual camera research and expanded our other sewer activities. Since then, we placed all our activities under one single business unit.
Unforeseen repair costs in the sewer system are the nightmare of every sewer manager. Where exactly are the defects located? How and when can the infrastructure be best replaced?
For the renovation of sewers we have several robot installations with which milling and local repairs can be carried out. All this is done under camera surveillance for an accurate result.
Airtightness tests prove useful in pipelines that are difficult or inaccessible for visual inspections or as additional assurance on top of visual inspections.