Industrial Cleaning

We are the leading players for industrial cleaning in a range of areas and markets. We offer a total solution in the form of customised operations for all your cleaning projects. Through continuously innovating we optimise our cleaning methods and favour sustainable solutions. 

Chemisch Reinigen

We offer a broad range of chemical cleaning technologies. Samples are analysed to determine the correct techniques and procedures. This way we clean coolers, drums, columns, pipes, boilers, heat exchangers, cooling systems or any other installation.

Vacuüm Reiniging

Pumping out reservoirs, silos, vats, wells, other vehicles, etc. is part of our core business.


Robot tank cleaning is the most elegant solution for hands-free cleaning. New, innovative techniques and machines make it possible for the operator to stay out of the line of fire. Our most recent acquisitions include the striker, Brokk and the crawler.

Sponge Blasting

Sponge blasting involves countless tiny small sponges being projected onto a soiled surface at extremely high speed. This sustainable technology has surprisingly many benefits.


Dry ice blasting is an excellent cleaning method for machinery or installations which cannot be allowed to come into contact with water. Unlike wet cleaning, the surface remains dry at all times, so damp or aggressive cleaning agents cannot cause damage.

Laser cleaning is an environmentally friendly and safe technology. This technique has been developed for application at an industrial level and is suitable for removing coatings, as well as product residues, fats, (welding)oxides, rust, radioactive isotopes or other toxic elements.

Industrial cleaning

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